Mohammad Abad
Master of Science in Psychology
Professional coach of a country level

Psychological services

In this field, we examine services such as the treatment of phobias, anxiety, stress and personality disorders, and we will deal with the treatment process based on the clinical interview and DSM5.

Psychological services

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Coaching services

The client is helped to reach the desired state from the existing situation. In this part, the strategic version of the client can be placed as the future version and he can be guided to the expected position much faster.

Coaching services

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Hypnotherapy services

In this field, positive hypnotic suggestions are performed based on the indescribable capacity of the unconscious mind in a trance state in the areas of pain reduction and control, night shift, phobia, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc.

Hypnotherapy services

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Treatment room

The treatment room in psychology is a place where a person generally enters with a secondary emotion such as anger, worry, depression, etc. and begins to describe his feelings with the trust he has in his therapist.  After conducting a clinical interview (hearing what the clients say), the therapist tries

Children’s hypnosis

In working with hypnotherapy techniques in children, it is very important to remember that hypnosis in children is easy but not to be taken lightly; It is fun, but it requires concentration and respect for the child and his instinctive abilities. Children learn hypnosis even more easily than adults because,

story therapy

Storytelling is the oldest and most effective form of conveying content, and Iran is the cradle of storytelling in the East of the world. The story affects the audience’s mind with the art of the storyteller and changes the fabric of his personality. The story uses a set of our

unconscious mind

Milton Erickson, the genius of psychiatry and psychology, says: Our unconscious mind is a collection of memories and skills that we can use years later. He was fond of Will Rogers saying: Our problem is not what we don’t know, our problem is that we don’t know what we know.

Mohammad Abad
Hypnotherapist, a member of the Iranian Psychological Association, a level one professional coach, a member of the Iranian Clinical Hypnosis Scientific Association, a member of the Iranian Psychology and Counseling System Organization (48867) Office address: Mashhad, Shahid Beheshti St., Rodaki 12, No. 144/1 Unit 4 Office phone: 0513846096 free online) : 09354481146