مشاوره ، روانشناسی ، هیپنوتراپی و کوچینگ


Hypnosis is a responsive state in which a person’s attention is usually focused on the hypnotist and his suggestions. Some people are easier to Hypnosis than others, but everyone has some degree of hypnotizability. Those who can hypnotize themselves respond to being hypnotized by other people. Among the answers that are usually seen in the hypnosis state are: increasing or decreasing motor control, memory distortion through post-hypnotic dememorization, retrograde, pain reduction.

One of the beneficial uses of hypnosis is in the treatment of burns and in midwifery, dentistry and surgery.

Suggested content: :  History and methods of hypnosis

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Continuing from the previous hypnotic material, the following changes can be considered typical characteristics of the hypnotic state: 1- Decision-making stops. 2- Attention is redistributed and becomes more selective than usual. (For example, when you