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unconscious mind

Milton Erickson, the genius of psychiatry and psychology, says: Our unconscious mind is a collection of memories and skills that we can use years later. He was fond of Will Rogers saying: Our problem is not what we don’t know, our problem is that we don’t know what we know. In this regard, Erikson says: What we know but don’t know that we know gets us into trouble the most.
As a person sees himself, he becomes the same.
Each person appears according to his mental image. Indeed, the mental image plays a role in the work of medical treatment.

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Islamic psychology

Islamic psychology

There are three different approaches in the field of Islamic psychology: 1- Some have a refining approach in the sense that the existing psychology has the correct totality and is not incompatible with Islam, and



Hypnosis is a responsive state in which a person's attention is usually focused on the hypnotist and his suggestions. Some people are easier to hypnotize than others, but everyone has some degree of hypnotizability. Those



Neurosis is when we ignore a need, and then several layers are formed: first, that need enters the fake layer, for example, a man cheated, but a woman says that the rest of his moral