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The relationship between husband and wife is more intimate than all human relationships. They are together day and night and know each other’s condition and behavior. The desired intimacy of spouses requires that each of them be the guardian of their spouse’s secrets and family matters because God has introduced husband and wife as each other’s clothes.

Undoubtedly, the disclosure of family secrets will cause the family to be disgraced by others and provide grounds for abuse by some.

In keeping family secrets, men and women are equally responsible, but since women are usually offended earlier and have wider verbal communication than men, they should be more diligent in keeping family secrets.

It is clear that secrecy is meaningless when dealing with a trusted counselor in hopes of solving life’s problems.

He who brings the faults of others to you and counts them will surely bring your faults to others.

Suggested content: :  Selective mutism

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Selective mutism

Selective mutism

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Islamic psychology

Islamic psychology

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