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types of friendship


The famous ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle mentions three types of friendship. The first type of friendship is based on benefit. A place where friends are looking for personal gain and is formed based on a materialistic view. The second type of friendship is based on pleasure. A place where friends notice each other’s sexual appeal, good looks and attractiveness. The third type of friendship is based on virtue and goodness, where both sides of the friendship see each other’s virtues and help each other grow together.

Aristotle believes; Perfect friendship is the friendship of good people who are equal in virtue, for they wish good to each other as they are good themselves, and they are good in themselves. Those who wish good to their friends for their own sake are the best friends because they love this inclination for its own sake and not by chance. For this reason, the friendship of these people continues as long as they are good and virtue is always lasting.Looking at the type of friendships in today’s society or today’s world, it is easy to understand that today’s common friendships are mostly based on the first two types of Aristotle’s division, that is, relationships based on benefit and pleasure.
In most friendships, especially in friendships with the opposite sex [and even marriage, which is a form of friendship], people view friendship as a transaction for gain and pleasure. People consider their benefit in their friendship and look at their relationships with calculations and economic logic.
Friendship and companionship in today’s world has lost its philosophical and human meaning that we were familiar with in philosophy and literature. The kind of friendship that Saadi (if he chooses someone else instead of me, he will be his ruling friend/I am forbidden if I choose life instead of a friend) and Hafez, Khayyam, and Rumi, etc. talk about it, it is absolutely no longer found. Today’s friendships are mostly based on profit seeking, pleasure seeking or escaping from loneliness, and this is far from the deep concept of friendship.
Nowadays, we read a lot of incidents in newspapers and media and hear that many crimes occur because of friendly betrayals. Betrayals that often occur in so-called friendly relationships and periods.
(And the question always arises, what kind of friendship is this, and what is the need for such a friendship in which no one can trust each other at least? each other and.. they feel sad and sad and they have two completely different faces in front of him and behind him?..)
Thanks to Mr. Farhad Ghanbari
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