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The story of the silkworm and some of us

The key to all happiness and the beginning of all worlds and sciences is the self-knowledge.

Don’t refer me to any other book because I see my truth as a book.

The life of the silkworm shows us that belonging to the material nature as a reward for the body grows him and with this material power, he builds a cage around himself that if he does not come to his senses and break it, it will suffocate him in his cocoon. Slow, does not become a butterfly and does not drink nectar. In his mirror, a person can see how his abilities and facilities, his wife, children, fans, titles and trust documents weave a cocoon of ego and identity around him, and that self no longer allows his love to mature and drink nectar.

The coolness that fell into the abyss of who I am.

Suggested content: :  The hardest choice? (The biggest decision?)

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