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History and methods of hypnosis

We all have a strong curiosity about hypnosis, and many of us have longed to try it or read about it to get rid of the strange name. Hypnosis is classified as one of the most common therapeutic methods in psychology. But there are many opinions about who started hypnosis, with the Hindus of India claiming that they founded this method and use it as a They used medicine for health.

Major developments in hypnosis occurred in 1842, when James Braid began to investigate it further. Called the “Father of New Hypnosis”, he did not believe that magnetic sleep caused hypnosis and thought that trances were just a “nervous sleep”. In 1843, he wrote a book about this subject called “Neuripenology”. Some consider Mesmer to be the father of hypnosis.

It is said that Rasputin, the influential minister of Tsarist Russia, used this method on his victims. Pastor Abe Faria is also one of the pioneers of this method. During the peak period of theorizing about magnetism, Mesmer considered this phenomenon to be caused by animal magnetism.
Later, his method was rejected by a council composed of Benjamin Franklin, Guillotine, etc., because these people only considered mathematics, physics, and classical medicine as science. American Milton Erickson greatly developed scientific hypnosis. Elman also tried to develop hypnosis in a different way.

  • methodsHypnosis can be applied in two ways: self-hypnosis and counter-hypnosis. One of the benefits of hypnosis is the treatment of many mental disorders. Especially during self-hypnosis, when a person can create positive changes in his actions and moods through suggestion. Of course, hypnosis itself has risks; In this way, if it is done without sufficient knowledge and information and with incorrect methods, it can have very destructive effects on the human psyche. Hypnosis is usually not dangerous.
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Some people say that it should not be done in case of chronic heart failure, and in some cases, such as people with borderline or borderline personality and schizophrenia, as well as obsessions, it is said that it should not be done for various reasons.
Three important factors in hypnosis are extreme concentration of thought, dissociation (mental separation from the surrounding environment), suggestion (because the basis of hypnosis is suggestion to the self).
It can be said that hypnosis = concentration + belief + expectation + imagination + communication

In order to successfully perform another hypnosis, the following seven steps must be performed consecutively and accurately:

Early discussion, better prepare the patient’s mind
Conducting hypnosis tests of deepening techniques
focus attention
Sleep induction hypnosis
Using deepening techniques
Facilitating unconscious responses
Acknowledgment of trance, providing post-hypnotic suggestions and coming out of trance

When using the appropriate word trance, be careful not to confuse the content with delusions. Although the word ecstasy is better than the word trance, which probably comes from fear. And the mystical trance and the feeling of the soul leaving the body is probably not separate from hypnosis.
– When we only see the eyes, the state is hypnoidal, then we enter into deeper phases, and one of the deep phases of hypnosis is called somnambolus (Somnambul is the god of sleep in Greece).
– Hypnosis is used in age regression, i.e. going back to later ages (after the age) and even a few hundred years ago and advancing age, although going back a few hundred years does not necessarily confirm reincarnation and these issues are theoretical and not accurate.
The use of hypnosis in obtaining confessions from prisoners and lie detection is not valid. However, sometimes science gives useful results and sometimes it gives incorrect results. In general, not much credit can be given to these materials.

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There are different methods for inducing hypnosis: eye fixation method, Kiason method – pmr method or progressive muscle relaxation – and…

But it is interesting to know that:

Hypnosis is used to control pain and treat obesity, etc. Of course, hypnosis is useful, but it does not work.
Children aged 8 to 12 years can be hypnotized better, and hypnotizability decreases at the age of 65 and above.
People are divided into 4 groups in terms of hypnotizability.
7% who should not be hypnotized or are not hypnotized, such as the mentally retarded
Seven percent are dionysin and have a high talent for hypnosis.
20% are Apollonian and are difficult to hypnotize.
A high percentage are Addisin, that is, they are in the middle of the hypnotismability spectrum.

Remember there are 3 basic conditions to be hypnotized:

You must be willing to be hypnotized.
You have to believe that hypnosis can be done on you.
You must be able to be calm and relax.

(Source: Farzan Kamalinia from his professors and related books – member of Iran’s Hinotism Specialized Association)

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