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Nutrition of the body and mental states

The nourishment of the body also affects the soul; That is, material food affects spiritual life as well.

A believer is like a bee that eats pure food and delivers pure food.

Amirul Momineen, peace be upon him, says a very short phrase with only three words; But it conveys a sea of ​​meanings with this phrase:

“Bad food is haram”. The logic of this statement is rooted in the belief that the nourishment of the body also affects the soul; That is, material food affects spiritual life as well.

In the story of Companions of the Cave, the Qur’an confirms such an effect; Where these great divine men wake up and send someone to the city to buy food:

“Then send one of you with this paper to Medina”
Now send one of your own to the city with this coin you have.
But before that, they set a rule for their food:
“If you look at it as food, then you will have sustenance from it”
To see which of them has purer food, and bring some of it to your sustenance.

These elders believe in the serious effect of food on the soul and spirit; Therefore, they demand food that is clean and good. This is the reason why Islam has come so far in the discussion of food and drinks and divided and listed its types.

A person who adheres to these rules and observes these principles in choosing his food, also sees its effects clearly. A person who eats nothing but halal and tayyib throughout his life will leave no trace except light. As the Prophet of Mercy, may God bless him and grant him peace, said in his description of a believer:

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“The example of the believer is like the example of the bee that is good and good.”
A believer is like a bee that eats pure food and delivers pure food.

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